
To use dicompyler-core in a project:

DICOM data can be easily accessed using convenience functions using the dicompylercore.dicomparser.DicomParser class:

from dicompylercore import dicomparser, dvh, dvhcalc
dp = dicomparser.DicomParser("rtss.dcm")

# i.e. Get a dict of structure information
structures = dp.GetStructures()

>>> structures[5]
{'color': array([255, 128, 0]), 'type': 'ORGAN', 'id': 5, 'empty': False, 'name': 'Heart'}

Dose volume histogram (DVH) data can be accessed in a Pythonic manner using the dicompylercore.dvh.DVH class:

rtdose = dicomparser.DicomParser("rtdose.dcm")
heartdvh = dvh.DVH.from_dicom_dvh(rtdose.ds, 5)

>>> heartdvh.describe()
Structure: Heart
DVH Type:  cumulative, abs dose: Gy, abs volume: cm3
Volume:    437.46 cm3
Max Dose:  3.10 Gy
Min Dose:  0.02 Gy
Mean Dose: 0.64 Gy
D100:      0.00 Gy
D98:       0.03 Gy
D95:       0.03 Gy
D2cc:      2.93 Gy

>>> heartdvh.max, heartdvh.min, heartdvh.D2cc
(3.0999999999999779, 0.02, dvh.DVHValue(2.9299999999999815, 'Gy'))

Dose volume histograms (DVHs) can be independently calculated using the dicompylercore.dvhcalc module:

# Calculate a DVH from DICOM RT data
calcdvh = dvhcalc.get_dvh("rtss.dcm", "rtdose.dcm", 5)

>>> calcdvh.max, calcdvh.min, calcdvh.D2cc
(3.0899999999999999, 0.029999999999999999, dvh.DVHValue(2.96, 'Gy'))

Structure and dose data for independently calculated DVHs can also be interpolated in-plane and between planes:

# Calculate a DVH using interpolation to super-sample the dose grid in plane,
# interpolate dose between planes and restrict calculation to the structure
# extents
interpscar = dvhcalc.get_dvh("rtss.dcm", "rtdose.dcm", 8,
    use_structure_extents=True) += ' interp'

# Compare against un-interpolated DVH
origscar = dvhcalc.get_dvh("rtss.dcm", "rtdose.dcm", 8)

Structure:          Scar            Scar interp       Rel Diff       Abs diff
DVH Type:  cumulative, abs dose: Gy, abs volume: cm3
Volume:             0.47 cm3          0.50 cm3         +6.55 %          +0.03
Max:                9.50 Gy          13.18 Gy         +38.74 %          +3.68
Min:                2.36 Gy           1.23 Gy         -47.88 %          -1.13
Mean:               6.38 Gy           7.53 Gy         +18.02 %          +1.15
D100:               0.00 Gy           0.00 Gy          +0.00 %          +0.00
D98:                2.36 Gy           2.44 Gy          +3.39 %          +0.08
D95:                2.36 Gy           3.09 Gy         +30.93 %          +0.73
D2cc:               0.00 Gy           0.00 Gy          +0.00 %          +0.00
Comparison of interpolated DVH vs un-interpolated DVH