Source code for dicompylercore.dicomparser

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Class that parses and returns formatted DICOM RT data."""
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Aditya Panchal
# Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Roy Keyes
# This file is part of dicompyler-core, released under a BSD license.
#    See the file license.txt included with this distribution, also
#    available at

import logging
import numpy as np
    from pydicom.dicomio import read_file
    from pydicom.dataset import Dataset, validate_file_meta
    from pydicom.pixel_data_handlers.util import pixel_dtype
except ImportError:
    from dicom import read_file
    from dicom.dataset import Dataset
import random
from numbers import Number
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from dicompylercore import dvh, util
from dicompylercore.config import pil_available, shapely_available

if pil_available:
    from PIL import Image
if shapely_available:
    from shapely.geometry import Polygon

logger = logging.getLogger('dicompylercore.dicomparser')

[docs]class DicomParser: """Class to parse DICOM / DICOM RT files.""" def __init__(self, dataset, memmap_pixel_array=False): """Initialize DicomParser from a pydicom Dataset or DICOM file. Parameters ---------- dataset : pydicom Dataset or filename pydicom dataset object or DICOM file location memmap_pixel_array : bool, optional Enable pixel array access via memory mapping, by default False Raises ------ AttributeError Raised if SOPClassUID is not present in the pydicom Dataset AttributeError Raised if the DICOM file or pydicom Dataset cannot be read """ self.memmap_pixel_array = memmap_pixel_array if isinstance(dataset, Dataset): self.ds = dataset elif isinstance(dataset, (str, BytesIO, Path)): try: with open(dataset, "rb") as fp: self.ds = read_file(fp, defer_size=100, force=True, stop_before_pixels=memmap_pixel_array) if memmap_pixel_array: self.offset = fp.tell() + 8 except Exception: # Raise the error for the calling method to handle raise else: # Sometimes DICOM files may not have headers, # but they should always have a SOPClassUID # to declare what type of file it is. # If the file doesn't have a SOPClassUID, # then it probably isn't DICOM. if "SOPClassUID" not in self.ds: raise AttributeError else: raise AttributeError # Fix dataset file_meta if incorrect try: validate_file_meta(self.ds.file_meta) except ValueError: logger.debug('Fixing invalid File Meta for ' + str(self.ds.SOPInstanceUID)) self.ds.fix_meta_info() # Remove the PixelData attribute if it is not set. # i.e. RTStruct does not contain PixelData and its presence can confuse # the parser if "PixelData" in self.ds and self.ds.PixelData is None: delattr(self.ds, 'PixelData') if memmap_pixel_array: self.filename = dataset self.pixel_array = self.get_pixel_array else: if "PixelData" in self.ds: self.pixel_array = self.ds.pixel_array # ====================== SOP Class and Instance Methods ======================
[docs] def GetSOPClassUID(self): """Determine the SOP Class UID of the current file.""" uid = getattr(self.ds, 'SOPClassUID', None) if (uid == '1.2.840.10008.'): return 'rtdose' elif (uid == '1.2.840.10008.'): return 'rtss' elif (uid == '1.2.840.10008.'): return 'rtplan' elif (uid == '1.2.840.10008.'): return 'ct' else: return None
[docs] def GetSOPInstanceUID(self): """Determine the SOP Class UID of the current file.""" return getattr(self.ds, 'SOPInstanceUID', None)
[docs] def GetStudyInfo(self): """Return the study information of the current file.""" return {'description': getattr(self.ds, 'StudyDescription', 'No description'), 'date': getattr(self.ds, 'StudyDate', None), 'time': getattr(self.ds, 'StudyTime', None), 'id': getattr(self.ds, 'StudyInstanceUID', str(random.randint(0, 65535)))}
[docs] def GetSeriesDateTime(self): """Return the series date/time information.""" dt = {'date': getattr(self.ds, 'SeriesDate', None), 'time': getattr(self.ds, 'SeriesTime', None)} if dt['date'] is None: dt['date'] = getattr(self.ds, 'InstanceCreationDate', None) if dt['time'] is None: dt['time'] = getattr(self.ds, 'InstanceCreationTime', None) return dt
[docs] def GetSeriesInfo(self): """Return the series information of the current file.""" series = {'description': getattr(self.ds, 'SeriesDescription', 'No description'), 'id': getattr(self.ds, 'SeriesInstanceUID', None), 'study': getattr(self.ds, 'SeriesInstanceUID', None), 'referenceframe': getattr(self.ds, 'FrameOfReferenceUID', str(random.randint(0, 65535))), 'modality': getattr(self.ds, 'Modality', 'OT')} series.update(self.GetSeriesDateTime()) series['study'] = getattr(self.ds, 'StudyInstanceUID', series['study']) return series
[docs] def GetReferencedSeries(self): """Return the SOP Class UID of the referenced series.""" if "ReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence" in self.ds: frame = self.ds.ReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence if "RTReferencedStudySequence" in frame[0]: study = frame[0].RTReferencedStudySequence[0] if "RTReferencedSeriesSequence" in study: if "SeriesInstanceUID" in \ study.RTReferencedSeriesSequence[0]: series = study.RTReferencedSeriesSequence[0] return series.SeriesInstanceUID else: return ''
[docs] def GetFrameOfReferenceUID(self): """Determine the Frame of Reference UID of the current file.""" if 'FrameOfReferenceUID' in self.ds: # Some Files contain a Ref FoR but do not contain an FoR themselves if not self.ds.FrameOfReferenceUID == '': return self.ds.FrameOfReferenceUID if 'ReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence' in self.ds: return self.ds.ReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence[ 0].FrameOfReferenceUID else: return ''
[docs] def GetReferencedStructureSet(self): """Return the SOP Class UID of the referenced structure set.""" if "ReferencedStructureSetSequence" in self.ds: return self.ds.ReferencedStructureSetSequence[ 0].ReferencedSOPInstanceUID else: return ''
[docs] def GetReferencedRTPlan(self): """Return the SOP Class UID of the referenced RT plan.""" if "ReferencedRTPlanSequence" in self.ds: return self.ds.ReferencedRTPlanSequence[0].ReferencedSOPInstanceUID else: return ''
[docs] def GetDemographics(self): """Return the patient demographics from a DICOM file.""" # Set up some sensible defaults for demographics patient = {'name': 'None', 'id': 'None', 'birth_date': None, 'gender': 'Other'} if 'PatientName' in self.ds: name = self.ds.PatientName patient['name'] = str(name) patient['given_name'] = name.given_name patient['middle_name'] = name.middle_name patient['family_name'] = name.family_name if 'PatientID' in self.ds: patient['id'] = self.ds.PatientID if 'PatientSex' in self.ds: if (self.ds.PatientSex == 'M'): patient['gender'] = 'M' elif (self.ds.PatientSex == 'F'): patient['gender'] = 'F' else: patient['gender'] = 'O' if 'PatientBirthDate' in self.ds: if len(self.ds.PatientBirthDate): patient['birth_date'] = str(self.ds.PatientBirthDate) return patient
# =============================== Image Methods ===============================
[docs] def GetImageData(self): """Return the image data from a DICOM file.""" data = {} if 'ImagePositionPatient' in self.ds: data['position'] = self.ds.ImagePositionPatient if 'ImageOrientationPatient' in self.ds: data['orientation'] = self.ds.ImageOrientationPatient if 'PixelSpacing' in self.ds: data['pixelspacing'] = self.ds.PixelSpacing else: data['pixelspacing'] = [1, 1] data['rows'] = self.ds.Rows data['columns'] = self.ds.Columns data['samplesperpixel'] = self.ds.SamplesPerPixel data['photometricinterpretation'] = self.ds.PhotometricInterpretation data['littlendian'] = \ self.ds.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID.is_little_endian if 'PatientPosition' in self.ds: data['patientposition'] = self.ds.PatientPosition data['frames'] = self.GetNumberOfFrames() return data
[docs] def GetPixelArray(self): """Generate a memory mapped numpy accessor to the pixel array.""" if self.memmap_pixel_array is False: return self.pixel_array data = self.GetImageData() filename = self.filename dtype = pixel_dtype(self.ds) offset = self.offset frames = int(data['frames']) shape = (int(self.GetNumberOfFrames()), data['rows'], data['columns']) if frames > 1 \ else (data['rows'], data['columns']) def get_pixel_array(filename, dtype, offset, shape): array = np.memmap( filename, dtype=dtype, mode="r", offset=offset, shape=shape ) yield array del array return list(get_pixel_array(filename, dtype, offset, shape))[0]
get_pixel_array = property(GetPixelArray)
[docs] def GetImageLocation(self): """Calculate the location of the current image slice.""" ipp = self.ds.ImagePositionPatient iop = self.ds.ImageOrientationPatient normal = [] normal.append(iop[1] * iop[5] - iop[2] * iop[4]) normal.append(iop[2] * iop[3] - iop[0] * iop[5]) normal.append(iop[0] * iop[4] - iop[1] * iop[3]) loc = 0 for i in range(0, len(normal)): loc += normal[i] * ipp[i] # The image location is inverted for Feet First images if 'PatientPosition' in self.ds: if ('ff' in self.ds.PatientPosition.lower()): loc = loc * -1 return loc
[docs] def GetImageOrientationType(self): """Get the orientation of the current image slice.""" if 'ImageOrientationPatient' in self.ds: iop = np.array(self.ds.ImageOrientationPatient) orientations = [ ["SA", np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])], # supine axial ["PA", np.array([-1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0])], # prone axial ["SS", np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1])], # supine sagittal ["PS", np.array([0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1])], # prone sagittal ["SC", np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1])], # supine coronal ["PC", np.array([-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1])] # prone coronal ] for o in orientations: if (not np.any(np.array(np.round(iop - o[1]), dtype=np.int32))): return o[0] # Return N/A if orientation was not found or could not be determined return "NA"
[docs] def GetNumberOfFrames(self): """Return the number of frames in a DICOM image file.""" frames = 1 if 'NumberOfFrames' in self.ds: frames = self.ds.NumberOfFrames.real else: if "PixelData" not in self.ds: return 0 else: if (self.pixel_array.ndim > 2): if (self.ds.SamplesPerPixel == 1) and not \ (self.ds.PhotometricInterpretation == 'RGB'): frames = self.pixel_array.shape[0] return frames
[docs] def GetRescaleInterceptSlope(self): """Return the rescale intercept and slope if present.""" intercept, slope = 0, 1 if ('RescaleIntercept' in self.ds and 'RescaleSlope' in self.ds): intercept = self.ds.RescaleIntercept if \ isinstance(self.ds.RescaleIntercept, Number) else 0 slope = self.ds.RescaleSlope if \ isinstance(self.ds.RescaleSlope, Number) else 1 return intercept, slope
[docs] def GetImage(self, window=0, level=0, size=None, background=False, frames=0): """Return the image from a DICOM image storage file. Parameters ---------- window : int, optional Image window, by default 0 level : int, optional Image level or width, by default 0 size : tuple, optional Image size tuple in pixels, by default None background : bool, optional Enable a black image background, by default False frames : int, optional If multi-frame, use requested frame to generate image, by default 0 Returns ------- Pillow Image A Pillow Image object """ if not pil_available: print("Python imaging library not available." + " Cannot generate images.") return # Return a black image if the Numpy pixel array cannot be accessed try: self.pixel_array except BaseException: return'L', size) # Samples per pixel are > 1 & RGB format if (self.ds.SamplesPerPixel > 1) and \ (self.ds.PhotometricInterpretation == 'RGB'): # Little Endian if self.ds.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID.is_little_endian: im = Image.frombuffer('RGB', (self.ds.Columns, self.ds.Rows), self.ds.PixelData, 'raw', 'RGB', 0, 1) # Big Endian else: im = Image.fromarray(np.rollaxis( self.pixel_array.transpose(), 0, 2)) # Otherwise the image is monochrome else: if ((window == 0) and (level == 0)): window, level = self.GetDefaultImageWindowLevel() # Rescale the slope and intercept of the image if present intercept, slope = self.GetRescaleInterceptSlope() # Get the requested frame if multi-frame if (frames > 0): pixel_array = self.pixel_array[frames] else: pixel_array = self.pixel_array rescaled_image = pixel_array * slope + intercept image = self.GetLUTValue(rescaled_image, window, level) im = Image.fromarray(image).convert('L') # Resize the image if a size is provided if size: im.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS) # Add a black background if requested if background: bg ='RGBA', size, (0, 0, 0, 255)) bg.paste(im, ((size[0] - im.size[0]) // 2, (size[1] - im.size[1]) // 2)) return bg return im
[docs] def GetDefaultImageWindowLevel(self): """Determine the default window/level for the DICOM image.""" window, level = 0, 0 if ('WindowWidth' in self.ds) and ('WindowCenter' in self.ds): if isinstance(self.ds.WindowWidth, float): window = self.ds.WindowWidth elif isinstance(self.ds.WindowWidth, list): if (len(self.ds.WindowWidth) > 1): window = self.ds.WindowWidth[1] if isinstance(self.ds.WindowCenter, float): level = self.ds.WindowCenter elif isinstance(self.ds.WindowCenter, list): if (len(self.ds.WindowCenter) > 1): level = self.ds.WindowCenter[1] if ((window, level) == (0, 0)): wmax = 0 wmin = 0 # Rescale the slope and intercept of the image if present intercept, slope = self.GetRescaleInterceptSlope() pixel_array = self.pixel_array * slope + intercept if (pixel_array.max() > wmax): wmax = pixel_array.max() if (pixel_array.min() < wmin): wmin = pixel_array.min() # Default window is the range of the data array window = int(wmax - wmin) # Default level is the range midpoint minus the window minimum level = int(window / 2 - abs(wmin)) return window, level
[docs] def GetLUTValue(self, data, window, level): """Apply the RGB Look-Up Table for the data and window/level value. Parameters ---------- data : numpy array Pixel data array from pydicom dataset window : float Image window value level : float Image window level or width Returns ------- numpy array Modified numpy array with RGB LUT applied """ lutvalue = util.piecewise( data, [data <= (level - 0.5 - (window - 1) / 2), data > (level - 0.5 + (window - 1) / 2)], [0, 255, lambda data: ((data - (level - 0.5)) / (window-1) + 0.5) * (255 - 0)]) # Convert the resultant array to an unsigned 8-bit array to create # an 8-bit grayscale LUT since the range is only from 0 to 255 return np.array(lutvalue, dtype=np.uint8)
[docs] def GetPatientToPixelLUT(self): """Get image transformation matrix from the DICOM standard. Referenced matrix can be found in Part 3 Section C. """ drow, dcol = self.ds.PixelSpacing orientation = self.ds.ImageOrientationPatient first_x, first_y, first_z = self.ds.ImagePositionPatient num_cols = self.ds.Columns num_rows = self.ds.Rows # Determine which way X and Y real-world coords run # X runs across columns if x_lut_index is 0 # limits to head-first/feet-first and prone/supine/decubitus x_index = self.x_lut_index() m = np.array( [[orientation[0]*dcol, orientation[3]*drow, 0, first_x], [orientation[1]*dcol, orientation[4]*drow, 0, first_y], [orientation[2]*dcol, orientation[5]*drow, 0, first_z], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) last_xy = np.matmul( m, np.array([[num_cols-1], [num_rows-1], [0], [1]]) ) last_x, last_y = last_xy[0][0], last_xy[1][0] if x_index == 0: col_lut = np.linspace(first_x, last_x, num_cols) row_lut = np.linspace(first_y, last_y, num_rows) else: col_lut = np.linspace(first_y, last_y, num_cols) row_lut = np.linspace(first_x, last_x, num_rows) return col_lut, row_lut
# ========================= RT Structure Set Methods =========================
[docs] def GetStructureInfo(self): """Return the patient demographics from a DICOM file.""" structure = {} structure['label'] = getattr(self.ds, 'StructureSetLabel', '') structure['date'] = getattr(self.ds, 'StructureSetDate', '') structure['time'] = getattr(self.ds, 'StructureSetTime', '') structure['numcontours'] = len(self.ds.ROIContourSequence) return structure
[docs] def GetStructures(self): """Return a dictionary of structures (ROIs).""" structures = {} # Determine whether this is RT Structure Set file if not (self.GetSOPClassUID() == 'rtss'): return structures # Locate the name and number of each ROI if 'StructureSetROISequence' in self.ds: for item in self.ds.StructureSetROISequence: data = {} number = int(item.ROINumber) data['id'] = number data['name'] = item.ROIName logger.debug("Found ROI #%s: %s", str(number), data['name']) structures[number] = data # Determine the type of each structure (PTV, organ, external, etc) if 'RTROIObservationsSequence' in self.ds: for item in self.ds.RTROIObservationsSequence: number = item.ReferencedROINumber if number in structures: structures[number]['type'] = item.RTROIInterpretedType # The coordinate data of each ROI is stored within ROIContourSequence if 'ROIContourSequence' in self.ds: for roi in self.ds.ROIContourSequence: number = roi.ReferencedROINumber # Generate a random color for the current ROI structures[number]['color'] = np.array(( random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)), dtype=int) # Get the RGB color triplet for the current ROI if it exists if 'ROIDisplayColor' in roi: # Make sure the color is not none if not (roi.ROIDisplayColor is None): color = roi.ROIDisplayColor # Otherwise decode values separated by forward slashes else: value = roi[0x3006, 0x002a].repval color = value.strip("'").split("/") # Try to convert the detected value to a color triplet try: structures[number]['color'] = \ np.array(color, dtype=int) # Otherwise fail and fallback on the random color except Exception: logger.debug( "Unable to decode display color for ROI #%s", str(number)) # Determine whether the ROI has any contours present if 'ContourSequence' in roi: structures[number]['empty'] = False else: structures[number]['empty'] = True return structures
[docs] def GetStructureCoordinates(self, roi_number): """Get the list of coordinates for each plane of the structure. Parameters ---------- roi_number : integer ROI number used to index structure from RT Struct Returns ------- dict Dict of structure coordinates sorted by slice position (z) """ planes = {} # The coordinate data of each ROI is stored within ROIContourSequence if 'ROIContourSequence' in self.ds: for roi in self.ds.ROIContourSequence: if (roi.ReferencedROINumber == int(roi_number)): if 'ContourSequence' in roi: # Locate the contour sequence for each referenced ROI for c in roi.ContourSequence: # For each plane, initialize a new plane dict plane = dict() # Determine all the plane properties plane['type'] = c.ContourGeometricType plane['num_points'] = int(c.NumberOfContourPoints) # Since DICOM RT Structure Set (C.8.8.6) specifies # that a ContourData is stored as an flattened list # of xyz triples, convert it to a unflattened list # for easier parsing plane['data'] = \ self.GetContourPoints(c.ContourData) # Add each plane to the planes dict # of the current ROI z = str(round(plane['data'][0][2], 2)) + '0' if z not in planes: planes[z] = [] planes[z].append(plane) return planes
[docs] def GetContourPoints(self, array): """Unflatten a flattened list of xyz point triples. Parameters ---------- array : list Flattened list of xyz point triples Returns ------- list Unflattened list of xyz point triples """ n = 3 return [array[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(array), n)]
[docs] def CalculatePlaneThickness(self, planesDict): """Calculate the plane thickness for each structure. Parameters ---------- planesDict : dict Output from GetStructureCoordinates Returns ------- float Thickness of the structure in mm """ planes = [] # Iterate over each plane in the structure for z in planesDict.keys(): planes.append(float(z)) planes.sort() # Determine the thickness thickness = 10000 for n in range(0, len(planes)): if (n > 0): newThickness = planes[n] - planes[n-1] if (newThickness < thickness): thickness = newThickness # If the thickness was not detected, set it to 0 if (thickness == 10000): thickness = 0 return thickness
[docs] def CalculateStructureVolume(self, coords, thickness): """Calculate the volume of the given structure. Parameters ---------- coords : dict Coordinates of each plane of the structure thickness : float Thickness of the structure in mm Returns ------- float Volume of structure in cm3 """ if not shapely_available: print("Shapely library not available." + " Please install to calculate.") return 0 class Within: def __init__(self, o): self.o = o def __lt__(self, other): return self.o.within(other.o) s = 0 for i, z in enumerate(sorted(coords.items())): # Skip contour data if it is not CLOSED_PLANAR if z[1][0]['type'] != 'CLOSED_PLANAR': continue polygons = [] contours = [[x[0:2] for x in c['data']] for c in z[1]] for contour in contours: p = Polygon(contour) polygons.append(p) # Sort polygons according whether they are contained # by the previous polygon if len(polygons) > 1: ordered_polygons = sorted(polygons, key=Within, reverse=True) else: ordered_polygons = polygons for ip, p in enumerate(ordered_polygons): pa = 0 if ((i == 0) or (i == len(coords.items()) - 1)) and \ not (len(coords.items()) == 1): pa += (p.area // 2) else: pa += p.area # Subtract the volume if polygon is contained within the parent # and is not the parent itself if p.within(ordered_polygons[0]) and \ (p != ordered_polygons[0]): s -= pa else: s += pa vol = s * thickness / 1000 return vol
# ============================== RT Dose Methods ==============================
[docs] def HasDVHs(self): """Return whether dose-volume histograms (DVHs) exist.""" if "DVHSequence" not in self.ds: return False else: return True
[docs] def GetDVHs(self): """Return cumulative dose-volume histograms (DVHs).""" self.dvhs = {} if self.HasDVHs(): for item in self.ds.DVHSequence: # Make sure that the DVH has a referenced structure / ROI if 'DVHReferencedROISequence' not in item: continue number = item.DVHReferencedROISequence[0].ReferencedROINumber logger.debug("Found DVH for ROI #%s", str(number)) self.dvhs[number] = dvh.DVH.from_dicom_dvh(self.ds, number) return self.dvhs
[docs] def GetDoseGrid(self, z=0, threshold=0.5): """Return the 2d dose grid for the given slice position (mm). Parameters ---------- z : int, optional Slice position in mm, by default 0 threshold : float, optional Threshold in mm to determine the max difference from z to the closest dose slice without using interpolation, by default 0.5 Returns ------- np.array An numpy 2d array of dose points """ # If this is a multi-frame dose pixel array, # determine the offset for each frame if 'GridFrameOffsetVector' in self.ds: pixel_array = self.GetPixelArray() z = float(z) # Get the initial dose grid position (z) in patient coordinates ipp = self.ds.ImagePositionPatient gfov = self.ds.GridFrameOffsetVector # Add the position to the offset vector to determine the # z coordinate of each dose plane z_sign = 1 if self.is_head_first_orientation() else -1 planes = (z_sign * np.array(gfov)) + ipp[2] frame = -1 # Check to see if the requested plane exists in the array if (np.amin(np.fabs(planes - z)) < threshold): frame = np.argmin(np.fabs(planes - z)) # Return the requested dose plane, since it was found if not (frame == -1): return pixel_array[frame] # Check if the requested plane is within the dose grid boundaries elif ((z < np.amin(planes)) or (z > np.amax(planes))): return np.array([]) # The requested plane was not found, so interpolate between planes else: # Determine the upper and lower bounds umin = np.fabs(planes - z) ub = np.argmin(umin) lmin = umin.copy() # Change the min value to the max so we can find the 2nd min lmin[ub] = np.amax(umin) lb = np.argmin(lmin) # Fractional distance of dose plane between upper & lower bound fz = (z - planes[lb]) / (planes[ub] - planes[lb]) plane = self.InterpolateDosePlanes( pixel_array[ub], pixel_array[lb], fz) return plane else: return np.array([])
[docs] def InterpolateDosePlanes(self, uplane, lplane, fz): """Interpolate a dose plane between two bounding planes. Parameters ---------- uplane : float Upper dose plane boundary in mm lplane : float Lower dose plane boundary in mm fz : float Fractional distance from the bottom to the top, where the new plane is located. E.g. if fz = 1, the plane is at the upper plane, fz = 0, it is at the lower plane. Returns ------- numpy array An numpy 2d array of the interpolated dose plane """ # A simple linear interpolation doseplane = fz*uplane + (1.0 - fz)*lplane return doseplane
[docs] def is_head_first_orientation(self): """Return True if self.orientation is head-first. Raises ------ NotImplementedError Raised if orientation is not one of head/feet-first and supine/prone/decubitus Returns ------- bool True if orientation is head-first, else False """ orientation = self.ds.ImageOrientationPatient if any( all(np.isclose(orientation, hf_orientation)) for hf_orientation in ( # noqa [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], # Head First Supine [-1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0], # Head First Prone [0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0], # Head First Decubitus Left [0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0] # Head First Decubitus Right ) ): return True elif any( all(np.isclose(orientation, ff_orientation)) for ff_orientation in ( [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], # Feet First Decubitus Left [0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0], # Feet First Decubitus Right [1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0], # Feet First Prone [-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] # Feet First Supine ) ): return False else: raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot calculate dose plane sign for non-standard orientation" )
[docs] def x_lut_index(self): """Return LUT index for real-world X direction. Raises ------ NotImplementedError Raised if orientation is not one of head/feet-first and supine/prone/decubitus Returns ------- X direction LUT index, matching 'lut' from GetDoseData 0 if real-world X across columns 1 if real-world X along rows """ orientation = self.ds.ImageOrientationPatient if any( all(np.isclose(orientation, non_decub)) for non_decub in ( [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], # Head First Supine [-1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0], # Head First Prone [-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], # Feet First Supine [1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0] # Feet First Prone ) ): return 0 elif any( all(np.isclose(orientation, decub)) for decub in ( [0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0], # Head First Decubitus Left [0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0], # Head First Decubitus Right [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], # Feet First Decubitus Left [0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0] # Feet First Decubitus Right ) ): return 1 else: raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot calculate X direction for non-standard orientation" )
[docs] def GetIsodosePoints(self, z=0, level=100, threshold=0.5): """Return dose grid points from an isodose level & slice position. Parameters ---------- z : int, optional Slice position in mm., by default 0 level : int, optional Isodose level in scaled form (multiplied by self.ds.DoseGridScaling), by default 100 threshold : float, optional Threshold in mm to determine the max difference from z to the closest dose slice without using interpolation, by default 0.5 Returns ------- list An list of tuples representing isodose points """ plane = self.GetDoseGrid(z, threshold) isodose = (plane >= level).nonzero() return list(zip(isodose[1].tolist(), isodose[0].tolist()))
[docs] def GetDoseData(self): """Return the dose data from a DICOM RT Dose file.""" data = self.GetImageData() data['doseunits'] = getattr(self.ds, 'DoseUnits', '') data['dosetype'] = getattr(self.ds, 'DoseType', '') data['dosecomment'] = getattr(self.ds, 'DoseComment', '') data['dosesummationtype'] = getattr(self.ds, 'DoseSummationType', '') data['dosegridscaling'] = getattr(self.ds, 'DoseGridScaling', '') dosemax = 0 for x in range(data["frames"]): pixel_array = self.GetPixelArray() newmax = pixel_array[x].max() dosemax = newmax if newmax > dosemax else dosemax if self.memmap_pixel_array: del pixel_array data['dosemax'] = float(dosemax) data['lut'] = self.GetPatientToPixelLUT() data['x_lut_index'] = self.x_lut_index() data['fraction'] = '' if "ReferencedRTPlanSequence" in self.ds: plan = self.ds.ReferencedRTPlanSequence[0] if "ReferencedFractionGroupSequence" in plan: data['fraction'] = \ plan.ReferencedFractionGroupSequence[ 0].ReferencedFractionGroupNumber return data
[docs] def GetReferencedBeamNumber(self): """Return the referenced beam number (if it exists) from RT Dose.""" beam = None if "ReferencedRTPlanSequence" in self.ds: rp = self.ds.ReferencedRTPlanSequence[0] if "ReferencedFractionGroupSequence" in rp: rf = rp.ReferencedFractionGroupSequence[0] if "ReferencedBeamSequence" in rf: if "ReferencedBeamNumber" in rf.ReferencedBeamSequence[0]: beam = \ rf.ReferencedBeamSequence[0].ReferencedBeamNumber return beam
# ============================== RT Plan Methods ==============================
[docs] def GetPlan(self): """Return the plan information.""" self.plan = {} self.plan['label'] = getattr(self.ds, 'RTPlanLabel', '') self.plan['date'] = getattr(self.ds, 'RTPlanDate', '') self.plan['time'] = getattr(self.ds, 'RTPlanTime', '') self.plan['name'] = '' self.plan['rxdose'] = 0 if "DoseReferenceSequence" in self.ds: for item in self.ds.DoseReferenceSequence: if item.DoseReferenceStructureType == 'SITE': self.plan['name'] = "N/A" if "DoseReferenceDescription" in item: self.plan['name'] = item.DoseReferenceDescription if 'TargetPrescriptionDose' in item: rxdose = item.TargetPrescriptionDose * 100 if (rxdose > self.plan['rxdose']): self.plan['rxdose'] = rxdose elif item.DoseReferenceStructureType == 'VOLUME': if 'TargetPrescriptionDose' in item: self.plan['rxdose'] = item.TargetPrescriptionDose * 100 if (("FractionGroupSequence" in self.ds) and (self.plan['rxdose'] == 0)): fg = self.ds.FractionGroupSequence[0] if ("ReferencedBeamSequence" in fg) and \ ("NumberOfFractionsPlanned" in fg): beams = fg.ReferencedBeamSequence fx = fg.NumberOfFractionsPlanned for beam in beams: if "BeamDose" in beam: self.plan['rxdose'] += beam.BeamDose * fx * 100 self.plan['rxdose'] = round(self.plan['rxdose']) self.plan['brachy'] = False if ("BrachyTreatmentTechnique" in self.ds) or \ ("BrachyTreatmentType" in self.ds): self.plan['brachy'] = True return self.plan
[docs] def GetReferencedBeamsInFraction(self, fx=0): """Return the referenced beams from the specified fraction. Parameters ---------- fx : int, optional FractionGroupSequence number, by default 0 Returns ------- dict Dictionary of referenced beam data """ beams = {} if ("BeamSequence" in self.ds): bdict = self.ds.BeamSequence elif ("IonBeamSequence" in self.ds): bdict = self.ds.IonBeamSequence else: return beams # Obtain the beam information for b in bdict: beam = {} beam['name'] = b.BeamName if "BeamName" in b else "" beam['description'] = b.BeamDescription \ if "BeamDescription" in b else "" beams[b.BeamNumber.real] = beam # Obtain the referenced beam info from the fraction info if ("FractionGroupSequence" in self.ds): fg = self.ds.FractionGroupSequence[fx] if ("ReferencedBeamSequence" in fg): rb = fg.ReferencedBeamSequence nfx = fg.NumberOfFractionsPlanned for b in rb: if "BeamDose" in b: beams[b.ReferencedBeamNumber]['dose'] = \ b.BeamDose * nfx * 100 return beams