Source code for dicompylercore.dose

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Routines to access and modify DICOM RT Dose."""
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Aditya Panchal
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Dan Cutright
# This file is part of dicompyler-core, released under a BSD license.
#    See the file license.txt included with this distribution, also
#    available at
# This code was adapted from from DVH Analytics:

from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from dicompylercore import dicomparser
from pydicom.uid import generate_uid
from pydicom.datadict import dictionary_VR, keyword_dict
from dicompylercore.config import (
from datetime import datetime
from pydicom.sequence import Sequence
from pydicom.dataset import Dataset
from warnings import warn

if scipy_available:
    from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates

[docs]class DoseGrid: """Class that stores DICOM-RT dose grids, performs addition/scaling.""" def __init__( self, rt_dose, order=1, mode="constant", cval=0.0, ): """ Initialization of a DoseGrid from a DICOM-RT Dose file or dataset. Parameters ---------- rt_dose : pydicom Dataset or filename DICOM RT Dose used to determine the structure dose grid data. order : int, optional The order of the spline interpolation (if needed), default is 1. The order has to be in the range 0-5. 0: the nearest grid point, 1: trilinear, 2 to 5: spline See scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates documentation for more details mode : 'constant' or 'nearest', optional The mode parameter determines how the other dose grid is extended beyond its boundaries. Default is ``'constant'``. Behavior for these values is as follows: ``'constant'`` (k k k k | a b c d | k k k k) The other dose grid is extended by filling all values beyond the edge with the same constant value, defined by the cval parameter. ``'nearest'`` (a a a a | a b c d | d d d d) The input is extended by replicating the last pixel. Additional modes are available, see scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates documentation for more details. cval : scalar, optional Value to fill past edges of input if mode is ‘constant’. Default is 0.0. """ self.ds = dicomparser.DicomParser(rt_dose).ds self.interp_param = {"order": order, "mode": mode, "cval": cval} self.summation_type = None self.sop_class_uid = getattr(self.ds, 'SOPClassUID', '') self.sop_instance_uid = getattr(self.ds, 'SOPInstanceUID', '') self.other_sop_class_uid = None self.other_sop_instance_uid = None if self.ds.Modality == "RTDOSE": self.x_axis = ( np.arange(self.ds.Columns) * self.ds.PixelSpacing[0] + self.ds.ImagePositionPatient[0] ) self.y_axis = ( np.arange(self.ds.Rows) * self.ds.PixelSpacing[1] + self.ds.ImagePositionPatient[1] ) self.z_axis = ( np.array(self.ds.GridFrameOffsetVector) + self.ds.ImagePositionPatient[2] ) # x and z are swapped in the pixel_array pixel_array = self.ds.pixel_array * self.ds.DoseGridScaling self.dose_grid = np.swapaxes(pixel_array, 0, 2) else: raise AttributeError( "The DoseGrid class requires an RTDOSE file or dataset. " "%s was detected" % self.ds.Modality ) #################################################### # Basic properties #################################################### @property def shape(self): """Get the x, y, z dimensions of the dose grid""" return ( self.ds.Columns, self.ds.Rows, len(self.ds.GridFrameOffsetVector), ) @property def axes(self): """Get the x, y, z axes of the dose grid (in mm)""" return [self.x_axis, self.y_axis, self.z_axis] @property def scale(self): """Get the dose grid resolution (xyz)""" diffs = np.diff(self.ds.GridFrameOffsetVector) if not np.all(np.isclose(diffs, [diffs[0]]*len(diffs))): raise NotImplementedError( "Non-uniform GridFrameOffsetVector detected. Interpolated " "summation of non-uniform dose-grid scales is not supported." ) return np.array( [ self.ds.PixelSpacing[0], self.ds.PixelSpacing[1], self.ds.GridFrameOffsetVector[1] - self.ds.GridFrameOffsetVector[0], ] ) @property def offset(self): """Get the coordinates of the dose grid origin (mm)""" return np.array(self.ds.ImagePositionPatient, dtype="float") @property def max_boundary_dose(self): """Get the max boundary dose""" return max_boundary_value(self.dose_grid) @property def max_boundary_relative_dose(self): return self.max_boundary_dose / np.max(self.dose_grid) #################################################### # Tools #################################################### def __add__(self, other): """Overload + operator to sum this dose grid with the other dose grid Parameters ---------- other : DoseGrid Another DoseGrid object. """ new = deepcopy(self) new.add(other) return new def __mul__(self, factor): """Overload * operator to scale this dose grid by the provided factor Parameters ---------- factor : int, float Scale the dose grid by this value. """ new = deepcopy(self) new.multiply(factor) return new def __rmul__(self, factor): return self.__mul__(factor)
[docs] def multiply(self, factor): """ Scale the dose grid. Parameters ---------- factor : int, float Multiply the dose grid by this factor. """ if factor < 0: raise NotImplementedError("Negative doses are not supported.") self.dose_grid *= factor self.dose_grid_post_processing()
[docs] def dose_grid_post_processing(self, other=None): """Set the pixel data and store UIDs from other DoseGrid""" self.set_pixel_data() if hasattr(self.ds, "DVHSequence"): del self.ds.DVHSequence if other is not None: self.other_sop_class_uid = other.sop_class_uid self.other_sop_instance_uid = other.sop_instance_uid
[docs] def is_coincident(self, other): """Check dose grid spatial coincidence. Parameters ---------- other : DoseGrid Another DoseGrid object. """ return ( self.ds.PixelSpacing == other.ds.PixelSpacing and self.ds.ImagePositionPatient == other.ds.ImagePositionPatient and self.ds.pixel_array.shape == other.ds.pixel_array.shape and self.ds.GridFrameOffsetVector == other.ds.GridFrameOffsetVector )
[docs] def set_pixel_data(self): """Update the PixelData with the current dose_grid""" self.ds.BitsAllocated = 32 self.ds.BitsStored = 32 self.ds.HighBit = 31 self.ds.DoseGridScaling = ( np.max(self.dose_grid) / np.iinfo(np.uint32).max ) pixel_data = ( np.swapaxes(self.dose_grid, 0, 2) / self.ds.DoseGridScaling ) self.ds.PixelData = np.uint32(pixel_data).tobytes()
[docs] def save_dcm(self, file_path): """Save the pydicom.FileDataset to file""" self.update_dicom_tags() self.ds.save_as(file_path)
[docs] def get_ijk_points(self, other_axes): """Convert axes from another DoseGrid into ijk of this DoseGrid. Parameters ---------- other_axes : list The x, y, and z axis arrays. Returns ------- np.vstack Array of other_axes in this ijk space. """ ijk_axes = [ (np.array(axis) - self.offset[a]) / self.scale[a] for a, axis in enumerate(other_axes) ] j, i, k = np.meshgrid(ijk_axes[1], ijk_axes[0], ijk_axes[2]) return np.vstack((i.ravel(), j.ravel(), k.ravel()))
#################################################### # Dose Summation ####################################################
[docs] def add(self, other, force=False): """ Add another dose grid to this dose grid, with interpolation if needed Parameters ---------- other : DoseGrid Another DoseGrid object. force : bool Set to True to ignore differences in DoseSummationType, DoseType, DoseUnits, ImageOrientationPatient """ attrs = [ "DoseSummationType", "DoseType", "DoseUnits", "ImageOrientationPatient", ] attr_check = [ validate_attr_equality(self.ds, other.ds, attr) for attr in attrs ] if not force and not all(attr_check): mismatches = [ attr for i, attr in enumerate(attrs) if attr_check[i] ] raise NotImplementedError( "Dose summation of dose grids with these mismatched " "attributes is not recommended: %s. Use " "DoseGrid.add(other, force=True) to ignore" % ",".join(mismatches) ) if self.is_coincident(other): self._direct_sum(other) else: if not scipy_available: raise ImportError( "scipy must be installed to perform interpolated dose sum." ) self._interp_sum(other)
def _direct_sum(self, other): """Directly sum two coincident dose grids Parameters ---------- other: DoseGrid Another DoseGrid object. """ self.dose_grid += other.dose_grid self.summation_type = "DIRECT" self.dose_grid_post_processing(other) def _interp_sum(self, other): """ Interpolate the other dose grid to this dose grid's axes, then perform direct summation Parameters ---------- other: DoseGrid Another DoseGrid object. """ self.dose_grid += self.interp_entire_grid(other) self.summation_type = "INTERPOLATED" self.dose_grid_post_processing(other)
[docs] def interp_entire_grid(self, other): """ Interpolate the other dose grid to this dose grid's axes in one operation Parameters ---------- other: DoseGrid Another DoseGrid object. Returns ------- np.array The other dose grid interpolated to this dose grid's axes """ return map_coordinates( input=other.dose_grid, coordinates=other.get_ijk_points(self.axes), **self.interp_param ).reshape(self.shape)
[docs] def update_dicom_tags(self): """Update DICOM UIDs, Content Date/Time, and Dose Comment""" # Store the source SOPClassUID and SOPInstanceUID seq_data = { "ReferencedSOPClassUID": self.sop_class_uid, "ReferencedSOPInstanceUID": self.sop_instance_uid, } add_dicom_sequence(self.ds, "ReferencedInstanceSequence", seq_data) if self.other_sop_class_uid is not None: seq_data = { "ReferencedSOPClassUID": self.other_sop_class_uid, "ReferencedSOPInstanceUID": self.other_sop_instance_uid, } add_dicom_sequence(self.ds, "ReferencedInstanceSequence", seq_data) # Create a new SOPInstanceUID set_dicom_tag_value( self.ds, "SOPInstanceUID", generate_uid(prefix=dicompyler_uid_prefix_rtdose), ) # Store the dose summation type in the DoseComment tag if self.summation_type: set_dicom_tag_value( self.ds, "DoseComment", "%s SUMMATION" % self.summation_type ) # Update the Date and Time tags now = set_dicom_tag_value(self.ds, "ContentDate", now.strftime("%Y%m%d")) set_dicom_tag_value(self.ds, "ContentTime", now.strftime("%H%M%S"))
[docs] def show(self, z=None): """Show the dose grid using Matplotlib if present. Parameters ---------- z : float, optional slice position to display initially, by default None """ if not mpl_available: raise ImportError( "Matplotlib could not be loaded. Install and try again.") return self import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import Slider # Extract the list of planes (z) from the dose grid planes = ( np.array(self.ds.GridFrameOffsetVector) * self.ds.ImageOrientationPatient[0] * self.ds.ImageOrientationPatient[4] ) + self.ds.ImagePositionPatient[2] # Set up the plot fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) rtdose = dicomparser.DicomParser(self.ds) # Get the middle slice if the z is not provided z = planes[planes.size // 2] if z is None else z zplane = rtdose.GetDoseGrid(z) * self.ds.DoseGridScaling # Flag to invert slider min/max if GFOV is decreasing (i.e. FFS) reverse = planes[0] > planes[-1] im = ax.imshow(zplane, cmap="jet",) # Create a slider to change the (z) axslice = fig.add_axes([0.34, 0.01, 0.50, 0.02]) slider = Slider( ax=axslice, label="Slice Position (mm):", valmin=planes[-1] if reverse else planes[0], valmax=planes[0] if reverse else planes[-1], valinit=z, valstep=np.diff(planes)[0], ) def updateslice(z): """Update the data to show on the plot.""" im.set_data(rtdose.GetDoseGrid(z) * self.ds.DoseGridScaling) plt.draw() slider.on_changed(updateslice) return self
[docs]def set_dicom_tag_value(ds, tag, value): """Set or update a DICOM tag value in the pydicom dataset. Parameters ---------- ds : pydicom Dataset The pydicom dataset for the tag to be added/updated to. tag : str, int or tuple DICOM tag or keyword to be added. value : any New value for the tag's element. """ try: ds[tag].value = value except KeyError: if tag in keyword_dict: # Keyword provided rather than int or tuple tag = keyword_dict[tag] ds.add_new(tag, dictionary_VR(tag), value)
[docs]def add_dicom_sequence(ds, seq_keyword, data_set_dict): """Add a sequence to a data set. Parameters ---------- ds : pydicom Dataset The pydicom dataset for the sequence to be added to. seq_keyword : str The DICOM keyword for the sequence. data_set_dict : dict Dictionary of tags and values for the sequence element. """ seq_ds = Dataset() for tag, value in data_set_dict.items(): set_dicom_tag_value(seq_ds, tag, value) if hasattr(ds, seq_keyword): getattr(ds, seq_keyword).append(seq_ds) else: setattr(ds, seq_keyword, Sequence([seq_ds]))
[docs]def validate_attr_equality(obj_1, obj_2, attr): """Assess the equality of the provided attr between two objects. Send warning if unequal. Parameters ---------- obj_1 : object Any object with an `attr` attribute that is comparable by != obj_2 : object Any object with an `attr` attribute that is comparable by != attr : str The attribute to be compared between obj_1 and obj_2 """ val_1 = getattr(obj_1, attr) val_2 = getattr(obj_2, attr) if val_1 != val_2: warn("Different %s values detected:\n%s\n%s" % (attr, val_1, val_2)) return False return True
[docs]def max_boundary_value(arr): """Get the greatest value on the boundary of a 3D numpy array Parameters ---------- arr : numpy.array Any 3-dimensional array-like object Returns ------- float Maximum value along any side of the input array """ return np.max( [ np.max([np.max(arr[i, :, :]) for i in [0, -1]]), np.max([np.max(arr[:, j, :]) for j in [0, -1]]), np.max([np.max(arr[:, :, k]) for k in [0, -1]]), ] )