Source code for dicompylercore.dvhcalc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Calculate dose volume histogram (DVH) from DICOM RT Structure/Dose data."""
# Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Aditya Panchal
# Copyright (c) 2010 Roy Keyes
# This file is part of dicompyler-core, released under a BSD license.
#    See the file license.txt included with this distribution, also
#    available at

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import as ma
import matplotlib.path
from dicompylercore import dvh
from dicompylercore.config import skimage_available
import collections
from six import iteritems
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('dicompylercore.dvhcalc')

if skimage_available:
    from skimage.transform import rescale

[docs]def get_dvh(structure, dose, roi, limit=None, calculate_full_volume=True, use_structure_extents=False, interpolation_resolution=None, interpolation_segments_between_planes=0, thickness=None, callback=None): """Calculate a cumulative DVH in Gy from a DICOM RT Structure Set & Dose. Parameters ---------- structure : pydicom Dataset DICOM RT Structure Set used to determine the structure data. dose : pydicom Dataset DICOM RT Dose used to determine the dose grid. roi : int The ROI number used to uniquely identify the structure in the structure set. limit : int, optional Dose limit in cGy as a maximum bin for the histogram. calculate_full_volume : bool, optional Calculate the full structure volume including contours outside of the dose grid. use_structure_extents : bool, optional Limit the DVH calculation to the in-plane structure boundaries. interpolation_resolution : float, optional Resolution in mm to interpolate the structure and dose data to. interpolation_segments_between_planes : integer, optional Number of segments to interpolate between structure slices. thickness : float, optional Structure thickness used to calculate volume of a voxel. callback : function, optional A function that will be called at every iteration of the calculation. """ from dicompylercore import dicomparser rtss = dicomparser.DicomParser(structure) rtdose = dicomparser.DicomParser(dose) structures = rtss.GetStructures() s = structures[roi] s['planes'] = rtss.GetStructureCoordinates(roi) s['thickness'] = thickness if thickness else rtss.CalculatePlaneThickness( s['planes']) calcdvh = calculate_dvh(s, rtdose, limit, calculate_full_volume, use_structure_extents, interpolation_resolution, interpolation_segments_between_planes, callback) return dvh.DVH(counts=calcdvh.histogram, bins=(np.arange(0, 2) if (calcdvh.histogram.size == 1) else np.arange(0, calcdvh.histogram.size + 1) / 100), dvh_type='differential', dose_units='Gy', notes=calcdvh.notes, name=s['name']).cumulative
[docs]def calculate_dvh(structure, dose, limit=None, calculate_full_volume=True, use_structure_extents=False, interpolation_resolution=None, interpolation_segments_between_planes=0, callback=None): """Calculate the differential DVH for the given structure and dose grid. Parameters ---------- structure : dict A structure (ROI) from an RT Structure Set parsed using DicomParser dose : DicomParser A DicomParser instance of an RT Dose limit : int, optional Dose limit in cGy as a maximum bin for the histogram. calculate_full_volume : bool, optional Calculate the full structure volume including contours outside of the dose grid. use_structure_extents : bool, optional Limit the DVH calculation to the in-plane structure boundaries. interpolation_resolution : float, optional Resolution in mm to interpolate the structure and dose data to. interpolation_segments_between_planes : integer, optional Number of segments to interpolate between structure slices. callback : function, optional A function that will be called at every iteration of the calculation. """ planes = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(iteritems(structure['planes']))) calcdvh = collections.namedtuple('DVH', ['notes', 'histogram']) logger.debug("Calculating DVH of %s %s", structure['id'], structure['name']) # Create an empty array of bins to store the histogram in cGy # only if the structure has contour data or the dose grid exists if ((len(planes)) and ("PixelData" in dose.ds)): # Get the dose and image data information dd = dose.GetDoseData() id = dose.GetImageData() # Determine structure and respectively dose grid extents if interpolation_resolution or use_structure_extents: extents = [] if use_structure_extents: extents = structure_extents(structure['planes']) dgindexextents = dosegrid_extents_indices(extents, dd) dgextents = dosegrid_extents_positions(dgindexextents, dd) # Determine LUT from extents if use_structure_extents: dd['lut'] = \ (dd['lut'][0][dgindexextents[0]:dgindexextents[2]], dd['lut'][1][dgindexextents[1]:dgindexextents[3]]) # If interpolation is enabled, generate new LUT from extents if interpolation_resolution: dd['lut'] = get_resampled_lut( dgindexextents, dgextents, new_pixel_spacing=interpolation_resolution, min_pixel_spacing=id['pixelspacing'][0]) dd['rows'] = dd['lut'][1].shape[0] dd['columns'] = dd['lut'][0].shape[0] # Generate a 2d mesh grid to create a polygon mask in dose coordinates # Code taken from Stack Overflow Answer from Joe Kington: # # Create vertex coordinates for each grid cell x, y = np.meshgrid(np.array(dd['lut'][0]), np.array(dd['lut'][1])) x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten() dosegridpoints = np.vstack((x, y)).T maxdose = int(dd['dosemax'] * dd['dosegridscaling'] * 100) + 1 # Remove values above the limit (cGy) if specified if isinstance(limit, int): if (limit < maxdose): maxdose = limit hist = np.zeros(maxdose) else: return calcdvh('Empty DVH', np.array([0])) n = 0 notes = None planedata = {} # Interpolate between planes in the direction of the structure if interpolation_segments_between_planes: planes = interpolate_between_planes( planes, interpolation_segments_between_planes) # Thickness derived from total number of segments relative to original structure['thickness'] = structure[ 'thickness'] / (interpolation_segments_between_planes + 1) # Iterate over each plane in the structure for z, plane in iteritems(planes): # Get the dose plane for the current structure plane if interpolation_resolution or use_structure_extents: doseplane = get_interpolated_dose( dose, z, interpolation_resolution, dgindexextents) else: doseplane = dose.GetDoseGrid(z) if doseplane.size: planedata[z] = calculate_plane_histogram(plane, doseplane, dosegridpoints, maxdose, dd, id, structure, hist) # print(f'Slice: {z}, volume: {planedata[z][1]}') else: # If the dose plane is not found, still perform the calculation # but only use it to calculate the volume for the slice if not calculate_full_volume: logger.warning('Dose plane not found for %s. Contours' + ' not used for volume calculation.', z) notes = 'Dose grid does not encompass every contour.' + \ ' Volume calculated within dose grid.' else: origin_z = id['position'][2] logger.warning('Dose plane not found for %s.' + ' Using %s to calculate contour volume.', z, origin_z) _, vol = calculate_plane_histogram( plane, dose.GetDoseGrid(origin_z), dosegridpoints, maxdose, dd, id, structure, hist) planedata[z] = (np.array([0]), vol) notes = 'Dose grid does not encompass every contour.' + \ ' Volume calculated for all contours.' n += 1 if callback: callback(n, len(planes)) # Volume units are given in cm^3 volume = sum([p[1] for p in planedata.values()]) / 1000 # print(f'total volume: {volume}') # Rescale the histogram to reflect the total volume hist = sum([p[0] for p in planedata.values()]) if hist.max() > 0: hist = hist * volume / sum(hist) else: return calcdvh('Empty DVH', np.array([0])) # Remove the bins above the max dose for the structure hist = np.trim_zeros(hist, trim='b') return calcdvh(notes, hist)
[docs]def calculate_plane_histogram(plane, doseplane, dosegridpoints, maxdose, dd, id, structure, hist): """Calculate the DVH for the given plane in the structure.""" contours = [[x[0:2] for x in c['data']] for c in plane] # Create a zero valued bool grid grid = np.zeros((dd['rows'], dd['columns']), dtype=np.uint8) # Calculate the dose plane mask for each contour in the plane # and boolean xor to remove holes for i, contour in enumerate(contours): m = get_contour_mask(dd, id, dosegridpoints, contour) grid = np.logical_xor(m.astype(np.uint8), grid).astype(np.bool) hist, vol = calculate_contour_dvh(grid, doseplane, maxdose, dd, id, structure) return (hist, vol)
[docs]def get_contour_mask(dd, id, dosegridpoints, contour): """Get the mask for the contour with respect to the dose plane.""" doselut = dd['lut'] c = matplotlib.path.Path(list(contour)) # def inpolygon(polygon, xp, yp): # return np.array( # [Point(x, y).intersects(polygon) for x, y in zip(xp, yp)], # dtype=np.bool) # p = Polygon(contour) # x, y = np.meshgrid(np.array(dd['lut'][0]), np.array(dd['lut'][1])) # mask = inpolygon(p, x.ravel(), y.ravel()) # return mask.reshape((len(doselut[1]), len(doselut[0]))) grid = c.contains_points(dosegridpoints) grid = grid.reshape((len(doselut[1]), len(doselut[0]))) return grid
[docs]def calculate_contour_dvh(mask, doseplane, maxdose, dd, id, structure): """Calculate the differential DVH for the given contour and dose plane.""" # Multiply the structure mask by the dose plane to get the dose mask mask = ma.array(doseplane * dd['dosegridscaling'] * 100, mask=~mask) # Calculate the differential dvh hist, edges = np.histogram(mask.compressed(), bins=maxdose, range=(0, maxdose)) # Calculate the volume for the contour for the given dose plane vol = sum(hist) * ((np.mean(np.diff(dd['lut'][0]))) * (np.mean(np.diff(dd['lut'][1]))) * (structure['thickness'])) return hist, vol
[docs]def structure_extents(coords): """Determine structure extents in patient coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : dict Structure coordinates from dicomparser.GetStructureCoordinates. Returns ------- list Structure extents in patient coordintes: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]. """ bounds = [] for z in sorted(coords.items()): contours = [[x[0:2] for x in c['data']] for c in z[1]] for contour in contours: x, y = np.array([x[0:1] for x in contour]), np.array( [x[1:2] for x in contour]) bounds.append([np.min(x), np.min(y), np.max(x), np.max(y)]) extents = np.array(bounds) return np.array( [np.amin(extents, axis=0)[0:2], np.amax(extents, axis=0)[2:4]]).flatten().tolist()
[docs]def dosegrid_extents_indices(extents, dd, padding=1): """Determine dose grid extents from structure extents as array indices. Parameters ---------- extents : list Structure extents in patient coordintes: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]. If an empty list, no structure extents will be used in the calculation. dd : dict Dose data from dicomparser.GetDoseData. padding : int, optional Pixel padding around the structure extents. Returns ------- list Dose grid extents in pixel coordintes as array indices: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]. """ if not len(extents): return [0, 0, dd['lut'][0].shape[0] - 1, dd['lut'][1].shape[0] - 1] dgxmin = np.argmin(np.fabs(dd['lut'][0] - extents[0])) - padding if dd['lut'][0][dgxmin] > extents[0]: dgxmin -= 1 dgxmax = np.argmin(np.fabs(dd['lut'][0] - extents[2])) + padding dgymin = np.argmin(np.fabs(dd['lut'][1] - extents[1])) - padding dgymax = np.argmin(np.fabs(dd['lut'][1] - extents[3])) + padding dgxmin = 0 if dgxmin < 0 else dgxmin dgymin = 0 if dgymin < 0 else dgymin if dgxmax == dd['lut'][0].shape[0]: dgxmax = dd['lut'][0].shape[0] - 1 if dgymax == dd['lut'][1].shape[0]: dgymax = dd['lut'][1].shape[0] - 1 return [dgxmin, dgymin, dgxmax, dgymax]
[docs]def dosegrid_extents_positions(extents, dd): """Determine dose grid extents in patient coordinate indices. Parameters ---------- extents : list Dose grid extents in pixel coordintes: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]. dd : dict Dose data from dicomparser.GetDoseData. Returns ------- list Dose grid extents in patient coordintes: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]. """ return [ dd['lut'][0][extents[0]], dd['lut'][1][extents[1]], dd['lut'][0][extents[2]], dd['lut'][1][extents[3]] ]
[docs]def get_resampled_lut(index_extents, extents, new_pixel_spacing, min_pixel_spacing): """Determine the patient to pixel LUT based on new pixel spacing. Parameters ---------- index_extents : list Dose grid extents as array indices. extents : list Dose grid extents in patient coordinates. new_pixel_spacing : float New pixel spacing in mm min_pixel_spacing : float Minimum pixel spacing used to determine the new pixel spacing Returns ------- tuple A tuple of lists (x, y) of patient to pixel coordinate mappings. Raises ------ AttributeError Raised if the new pixel_spacing is not a factor of the minimum pixel spacing. Notes ----- The new pixel spacing must be a factor of the original (minimum) pixel spacing. For example if the original pixel spacing was ``3`` mm, the new pixel spacing should be: ``3 / (2^n)`` mm, where ``n`` is an integer. Examples -------- Original pixel spacing: ``3`` mm, new pixel spacing: ``0.375`` mm Derived via: ``(3 / 2^16) == 0.375`` """ if (min_pixel_spacing % new_pixel_spacing != 0.0): raise AttributeError( "New pixel spacing must be a factor of %g/(2^n)," % min_pixel_spacing + " where n is an integer. Value provided was %g." % new_pixel_spacing) sampling_rate = np.array([ abs(index_extents[0] - index_extents[2]), abs(index_extents[1] - index_extents[3]) ]) xsamples, ysamples = sampling_rate * min_pixel_spacing / new_pixel_spacing x = np.linspace(extents[0], extents[2], int(xsamples), dtype=np.float) y = np.linspace(extents[1], extents[3], int(ysamples), dtype=np.float) return x, y
[docs]def get_interpolated_dose(dose, z, resolution, extents): """Get interpolated dose for the given z, resolution & array extents. Parameters ---------- dose : DicomParser A DicomParser instance of an RT Dose. z : float Index in mm of z plane of dose grid.dose resolution : float Interpolation resolution less than or equal to dose grid pixel spacing. extents : list Dose grid index extents. Returns ------- ndarray Interpolated dose grid with a shape larger than the input dose grid. """ # Return the dose bounded by extents if interpolation is not required d = dose.GetDoseGrid(z) extent_dose = d[extents[1]:extents[3], extents[0]:extents[2]] if len(extents) else d if not resolution: return extent_dose if not skimage_available: raise ImportError( "scikit-image must be installed to perform DVH interpolation.") scale = (np.array(dose.ds.PixelSpacing) / resolution).tolist() interp_dose = rescale( extent_dose, scale=scale, mode='symmetric', order=1, preserve_range=True) return interp_dose
[docs]def interpolate_between_planes(planes, n=2): """Interpolate n additional structure planes (segments) in between planes. Parameters ---------- planes : dict RT Structure plane data from dicomparser.GetStructureCoordinates. n : int, optional Number of planes to interpolate in between the existing planes. Returns ------- dict Plane data with additional keys representing interpolated planes. """ keymap = {np.array([k], dtype=np.float32)[0]: k for k in planes.keys()} sorted_keys = np.sort(np.array(list(planes.keys()), dtype=np.float32)) num_new_samples = (len(planes.keys()) * (n + 1)) - n newgrid = np.linspace(sorted_keys[0], sorted_keys[-1], num_new_samples) new_planes = {} # If the plane already exists in the dictionary, use it # otherwise use the closest plane # TODO: Add actual interpolation of structure data between planes for plane in newgrid: new_plane = sorted_keys[np.argmin(np.fabs(sorted_keys - plane))] new_planes[plane] = planes[keymap[new_plane]] return new_planes